It was the brightest sunny day I had ever seen. I opened my car door and climbed out, happy to be a part of it. I brought groceries to the house and cracked open the best can of twisted tea out of the 12 pack I had just bought. I took a long, savory sip. Gosh, the day was getting better and better, “you might as well take jimmy for a walk,” I said to myself. I clipped the leash on him, and we were off.
We were at a daydreaming pace when we saw two other walkers heading straight at us. One was a dog, and well, the other was a human. Perfect, I thought, time to learn jimmy, not knowing how he would react in different environments and situations. We got closer. Jimmies ears started perking straight up. As soon as I heard a soft low growl, I snapped the leash quickly, catching jimmy off guard and sending him into a shocking state of mind. He turned to forget the other walkers and looked at me like, “okay, okay.”
I learned two things about Jimmy in a matter of two seconds. One, He may be protective or aggressive towards other animals. Two, jimmy redirected back to me and quickly admitted to his unnecessary behavior. This is just an example of how learning your dog and correcting in the moment will eventually pave the way to be a synced team, and in the end, you will work for each other. To get there, you must be observant of your dog.

View dogs as avatars. You and your dog should be bonding and synced because they are the mir image of you. That’s a point of a dog. You should sync to something genuine if you sync to negativity, detach, and attach to positivity, strength, growth, and education. We created the dog. If we take the time to simplify their bad behaviors, we can fix them and move on.
Learn the Vibes
Whether you have a puppy, adoption dog, or working dog, the key to success is syncing and bonding with the dog. Know the hardwire and DNA. You want your dog to be a companion, a member of the family, to fit your lifestyle. You want them to be a part of everything.
The other key is not to put your dog in a category with limitations. “Well, my dog acts like this because it is a rescue dog.” Or “I have a working dog, he isn’t bred to just walk downtown” Do not limit them with your beliefs.
Look past that for the bigger picture. Be aware of how your dog ticks. It can help you in the future when problems arise.
Watching and observing our dogs for all the right reasons doesn’t take extra time. Include it in your daily activities. I like to put myself in a neutral state of mind and observe and be aware. It is not to be critical. It is just being observant for all the right reasons. We can learn a lot about many things if we watch and listen.
After we have learned our dogs and the quirks in their behaviors, how will it come into play in the future? It will give us a clear understanding with no more questions like where this behavior came from or why it happened. When you have a clear understanding, weed out the problem because we can then weed out the issue. By knowing your dog, you are setting the two of you up to conquer any problems in the future with more ease by understanding and simplifying things.
Once you get to this point of totally knowing your dog, the next step is something where, when it is achieved, it is a straight-up flow-state with you and your dog. At this time, everything is nonchalant and second nature. It goes both ways, though.
You’ve put in the work studying your dog and feeling them out. They have also felt you out. This creates a no need to say anything kind of bond. It’s the kind of bond that is purely based on vibes.
Create a Relationship
It brings to mind one of my friends and our relationship. You can relate if you are fortunate enough to have a buddy as I have. We have been on many hunting trips together, and what happens on those hunting trips, hunting aside, is hard to find on the human-to-human interaction level.
I bet most people hardly ever get to experience it.
There never is any uncertainty of what we should do. It’s like we are synced. There is no need for either of us to ask the other questions along the lines of “should we?” Should we go to this gas station? Should we get this? Do you think I should do blank?
Above all, one thing that is not asked is, do we have enough beer? It’s a nonchalant connection where an explanation is not needed.
It is super difficult to find a relationship like this with humans. This is because a human sets themselves up with their belief system. Humans do not totally live in the moment, and as far as your relationship with another human goes, it is what it is, and you’re not out to change them in any way. Your relationship is what it is. You can only change your side of it.
Dogs, on the other hand, tho, we are their guardian, we are responsible for them. How they act, their manners, knowing the difference between right and wrong is up to us to establish. On top of that, dogs live in the moment, making it easier to correct bad habits.
Just know nothing here needs to be perfect. The definition of Balance isn’t even perfect. We just need to give back to the dogs’ DNA and let them live out their unique character.
We all have our character. We can build our character to be all-around good tho. That is exactly what we can give to our dogs. Give them a path to follow to establish good character and behavior. In the end, we just want an all-around good dog. To get that sync of oneness, you gotta learn their ticks.
Being observant in general mannerisms can start from body language. Eye contact, ears, tail, posture, and reactions are a good basis. Study it morning, noon, and night if possible. I don’t sit there and stare at the dog, I go on with my daily activities, and I am just observant and aware.
Put in the Work
To learn your dog, view things from a different perspective. Instead of just seeing a flaw or a good characteristic, for that matter, try to find out what made it come to the surface. Understanding will then take place.
You should never stop learning. You should remember that learning your dog is cracking the code. What comes after that is respect for one another.
Learning your dog and respect is all the dog asks for. Respect can lead to Balance. With Balance, you can have that peaceful, flow state in one syncness with your dog. Your dog will truly be your best friend then.
Just like my friend and me, except with our friendship, it came to be by just being what it is, by us being who we are and simply syncing and connecting on a level of flow. Give effort in learning your dog in all the right ways. You will then create a foundation and map of how you want to achieve where you want to get.
- Learn your dog by going on with daily activities and being observant.
- Watch body language to understand things before they happen.
- View things from a different perspective.
- Build upon your dog’s character
- Give respect when the time is right, and it will be given back to you.
- Find that one-on-one sync with your best friend.