Alrighty! Do you want to give your time and energy away for the greater good of animals? Awesome!
The thing is, though, what you put in, you will get out in some ways. There is plenty of work that needs
to be done. Rescues and shelters are always in need of some help. The cool thing is that there are
many different and unique ways to help!
-What Do You Think This Volunteering is?
It’s ok to be selfish when answering this question. Because, as much as it is a way for you to give
selflessly, there could be many hidden benefits waiting for you. Opening new healthy doors will not
only be beneficial to yourself, but it will also impact the lives around you—view volunteering as a
healthy outlet.
To start with, you can volunteer when the time works for you. Only want to volunteer on the 1st
Saturday of every month? That will work!
Want to stay flexible and call in when you stumble upon a free time? We need you! Get in your car and
come on over.
Maybe you want to get serious in the volunteering world to see where it can take you. You could do the
trickle effect and slowly incorporate it into your life, or you could plunge right in. You have the freedom
to do as you wish with your time.
The cool thing about volunteering is that your time and sacrificed energy are appreciated. You are in a
place where people respect you for being there. It can be satisfactory work. If you know helping
animals is something that you want in your future, you will be in a place where you have the
opportunity to meet the right people to start a relationship. It is a solid foundation you will begin to
build off of.
You can customize a time to volunteer. Not only that, you can choose your job. What benefits that
come with your job title can you offer? Use your talents and positions in any way you can to make the
most significant difference.
-Here is a list of 7 ways you can help.
Are you a professional photographer? Every shelter and Rescue could use your talents for updating
their website. Shelter and rescue pages are constantly changing. If you can give quality photos for them
to upload, that would be huge. You could also offer your time and equipment to video a training
seminar or an event.
-Box store employee?
If so, I would bet there are plenty of damaged pet items. Typically these items will just get thrown away.
Talk to the right person, let them know what you are doing, and ask if you can complete your devised
plan. If your boss is a stickler (Which he probably is), go ahead, sneak them out the back. Jail time for
the greater good shouldn’t be frowned upon that much.
-Marketing skills?
Find local businesses that want to help. Maybe you are in a position where you work with small local
businesses on a daily basis. It is not out of the realm to structure a plan for how they can help and ask
them. It could go hand in hand helping them out as it would be good publicity, allowing that company
to help.
You could offer your services to the rescues and study the behavior of animals. Not only will this give
the rescues an open-minded second opinion of the dog, but you may also look at things differently and
bring overlooked issues to the attention of the Rescue. This may also give you a relatable but different
look at your practice.
-Social Media
It doesn’t take much to share rescue dogs on your Facebook page. Sharing adoption dogs online is an
individual job. It only takes one person. If you can’t physically be there, you can create a nice write-up
about a dog; you can be helpful and contribute online. Also, you can keep your ears open to anyone
looking for a dog and to help them fill the gap.
-Event Planner
Rescues and shelters are oftentimes found running events for many reasons. If you have a creative
spin and ways to help manage and run an event, your position could be extremely helpful. This could
be a way for you to grow your business.
-High Schooler
Are you in high school still unsure what to do but know that you love animals? This could be a place for
you to come and show people how hard you can work and how much you care. When people see those
who need help, they will want you to come back. When you give, people see that. In return, they want
to help you. It is irresistible. Heck, who knows, maybe someday you will be able to run your shelter or
Examples like these could go on and on. This should get you in a frame of mind to look at what you
could offer. Nothing is too small or too big. We do owe it to animals that have come from ill
circumstances, some near death, to give shine a bright future on them. To do it with pure love and
pure intent is as pure as it gets. Find your way to help and custom it to work for you.
Use your talents to benefit on any level. People quickly gain respect when you do stuff they do not
want to do. Right down to cleaning kennels, nobody wants to clean kennels, do the dirty work. The
bottom line is that you are a human and can offer something if you feel the inclination.
If you cannot train or foster, you still can give your time in ways that help. Remember, a balanced walk
is the number one gateway to get a healthy foundation for a dog at the end of the day. You, as a
volunteer, can give this in a hands-on way.
If you can give a dog a healthy balanced walk a couple of times a week to start the beginning stages of
balance, you will play a big role in helping dogs.
Look at this as an outlet. If things in your personal life are unmanageable or undoable, you are stuck
for some reason or another. View this as purity to set yourself and dog straight, a new outlook, a new
The impossible becomes possible when you open your doors to new light. It is critical to a dog that it
feels purity from you even if it’s not positive. Positive and negative is what create balance. Accept your
Overall, survey your situation as to how you can help.
There are many ways that we can all help. It doesn’t matter what you believe in. Any avenue will work,
bring reality as to how you can help, strip all the feelings, follow your moral compass. Especially if you
are trying to give back balance, move forward. That’s what the dogs show us. It’s ok to move forward
no matter how bad it is.
Volunteers play a vital role in the rescue and shelter world. When rescues find people like you who
want to offer what they can to help, it keeps the light burning. The Rescue and shelter’s main goal is to
rescue animals, find them a new home and prevent dogs from being surrendered. All of this effort
comes at a cost. Unfortunately, not everyone is on board with it. Most just don’t care too much about
Make the difference. Keep that light burning!